How did Bollywood actor Shashant Singh Rajput spend the last two and a half hours of his life?

How did Bollywood actor Shashant Singh Rajput spend the last two and a half hours of his life?

Shashant Singh Rajput, a 34-year-old actor in the Bollywood industry, suddenly committed suicide on the afternoon of June 14, and the news caused great grief to his fans all over the world, including India.

Shant Singh Rajput lived in the luxurious West Bandra area of ​​Mumbai, the capital of the Indian state of Maharashtra, and ended his life there with some of his friends and employees.
During the interrogation, the police did not find any last letter written by him from his house, however, the police have found the documents of his treatment from his residence, which indicates that he is mentally ill. He was undergoing treatment for depression.

close friends said he had been suffering from depression for the past few months, but the Corona lockdown had added to his anxiety.

Sources close to actor Shashant Singh Rajput said that he became frustrated last week when his 28-year-old former manager Desha Salin also allegedly committed suicide by jumping from a house building.

According to Nadia Today, Indian actor Shashant Singh lived in his three-bedroom flat with two cooks and a laundress, but on the night of June 13 and 14, his close friends also came to stay at his residence.

According to the report, on June 14, five people including him were present at Shashant Singh Rajput's flat and the actors woke up at 10 am on June 14 and appeared silent.

Sources close to the actor spoke to India Today about the actor's mental state, his life and the last two and a half hours he spent.

What the actor's close associates have said indicates how quiet and lonely Shashant was before he ended his life.

According to sources, Shashant Singh Rajput made juice and drank it at 10 am and after that he went to his room and locked the door from inside.
According to the website India Today, the door of Sshant Singh's room was slammed for a long time but he did not open the door and all the people in the flat gathered near his door and called the key maker.

At the same time, the people in the flat with the actor informed the police and with the help of the police, all the people broke down the door of the room between 12.30 pm and 4.45 pm when they saw that Shant Singh had hanged himself. Committed suicide
Wallace transported the actor's body to the hospital for an autopsy, while dozens of fans gathered outside his home as soon as they heard the news of the actor's suicide.

Top political, social and film personalities, including the Indian Prime Minister, are mourning the sudden suicide of Shashant Singh Rajput.

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