The corona virus vaccine has entered the final stages. US announcement.

The corona virus vaccine has entered the final stages. US announcement.

The trial vaccine has not only fully activated the immune systems of all volunteers, but has yielded results beyond expectations.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Washington - The United States has announced that it is in the final stages of developing a vaccine for the corona virus virus.
The corona virus vaccine, developed by the American biotech company Moderna, has activated the immune system in all volunteers, raising their expectations of success. Moderna has developed this vaccine in collaboration with the National Institutes of Health. According to a report published in the New England Journal of Medicine on Tuesday, the vaccine has shown mild side effects, including fatigue, chills, headaches, muscle aches and pain at the injection site.
This is the first US vaccine whose test results have been published under the supervision of senior experts. When it can be made available to the public, it will be the first vaccine in the United States to be tested for the third time. 2021 that number could be as high as one billion," said Dr. Lisa Jackson, who is involved in the study. The main purpose of the phase test was to find out how safe the vaccine is and whether it awakens the immune system. Moving towards where all the answers will be found.

Dr. Lisa Jackson said that experience has shown that once the vaccine is not enough for the immune system to respond to the virus, volunteers may experience mild to moderate side effects. People who were given more doses were more affected. Research data also showed that the vaccine triggered an antibody reaction. Antibodies are proteins that the body produces to fight the virus. As seen in people recovering from coyote nineteen.

Experts plan to include 30,000 people in 87 locations across the United States in the final trial, which will include those living in high-risk areas or situations who receive two doses of the 100 microgram vaccine at four-week intervals. According to the World Health Organization, 23 possible vaccines for the corona virus are being tested worldwide.

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